This year KLJ Way participated in #GivingTuesday which is a movement that creates an international day of charitable giving during the season of giving.
On November 27, 2018, KLJ Way participated in their first #GivingTuesday, which was a success because of you! A total of $725 was raised within 24 hours in support of our mission to promote academic enrichment in STEM for minorities in underserved communities.
The gifts and support from the KLJ Way Family will continue to aide in changing the current minority representation within STEM by removing a barrier that stands between many students and their desired education: FINANCES! All the funds that were raised will be a part of the Kearns Louis-Jean Memorial scholarships that are awarded to students for the 2019-2020 school year.
TOGETHER we can continue to change the statistics:
- African Americans, American Indians, and Hispanics between the ages of 18-24 account for 34% of the total U.S. population but earn only 12% of all undergraduate degrees in engineering
- African American 24 year-olds only represent 2.7% of the STEM graduate population
- Only 7% of Master’s students in engineering are under-represented minorities
- Black men & women make up less than 3% of scientist and engineers
Though #GivingTuesday has concluded, we can continue to work as a community to give the gift of education and opportunity. We can continue to support our next doctor, engineer, physicist, and computer analyst by sharing and supporting the story of KLJ Way.